For example in this case. Tucked under while editing a document in Word, IE window wanted to see.
Drop and drag the window in this way. How to switch Windows. However, such an intuitive operation.
Drop and drag window position.
It is annoying!!
An introduction of methods which I often use. Drag the title bar of the window, here mouse button hold (i.e. don’t drop it).
Working this way look kinda under the IE screen and wanted to return to the Word window.
Press the ESC key!
Window is restored and original position!
Is it just that is surprising and useful. Give it a try.
]]>If hardware changes and behavior are unstable and completely shut down the start and you want to how to do a complete shutdown. Of course I usually don’t need. Is there some way to completely shut down the way, introducing them one thing here. (I’m sorry. Japan language display screen only.
In this PC will shut down completely.
Also the screen like below and select the reboot while holding down the SHIFT key in the above 4 comes out. Even here, click turn off PC can be shut down.