I have been awarded the Microsoft MVP again. The Microsoft MVP is a system in which Microsoft awards individuals who have engaged in activities to promote Microsoft products and technologies. I have received the award every year since 2010. I was able to receive the award again this year. This is my 14th time receiving the award.

There were awards for each product category, and I won in the Windows and Devices category. The technology area was Windows and Surface. I think I was mainly recognized for my activities to spread the word about devices such as Windows and Surface. I was especially recognized for my work on the podcast program WoodStream’s Digital Life, which “talks about Microsoft products and technologies in a fun and easy-to-understand way,” and for sharing Microsoft products and technologies on my YouTube channel.
I believe this is all thanks to everyone who listens to my podcast, everyone who reads this blog, everyone who watches my YouTube channel, and everyone who is involved in community activities. I am truly grateful. Thank you very much.
We will continue to provide information about Microsoft products and technologies in a fun and easy-to-understand manner. Thank you for your continued support.
July 11, 2023
Microsoft MVP for Windows and Devices
Tomokazu Kizawa